Thursday, July 9, 2020

Answers Questions on Neurology - 3025 Words

Answers Questions on Neurology (Essay Sample) Content: NEUROLOGYName:Course:Tutor:Date:NEUROLOGYShort Answer QuestionsThe difference between the brain of an ape including human and other primatesThere exist some structural differences in the brains of the animals that are known to be self-aware and the other primates. The area of the brain that is very different in human beings and apes is known as the prefrontal cortex. This differs from other primates. The prefrontal cortex is a region in the brain that is responsible for the metacognition.Metacognition can also be said to be self-awareness where one can think. Metacognition in the human being coupled with the other cognitive skills, for instance, social intelligence reasoning and planning are the dependant of these part of the brain that is different in other primates called the prefrontal cortex (Haug Whalen, 1999).Therefore, the species of animals that do not demonstrate metacognition can be said to lack the brain area which can be compared to the prefrontal cortex . Animals with high brain connectivity in the various areas of the brain and a large brain size are known to have a higher level of metacognition.Theta rhythm and its importance in hippocampal functionThe theta rhythm is known to be the largest of all the extracellular synchronous signals that a mammalian brain can ever record. The theta rhythm is greatly involved in the hippocampus mnemonic functions, making it to be of great importance to the performance of the hippocampus. In addition to that, the theta rhythm can be said to be the representative of the short memory as a tag in the hippocampus.Theta is one of the two input of the hippocampus, and where the two data systems converge on the temporal basis. This convergence, aids in the encoding all sorts of information in the hippocampus. It is also suggested that, a depolarizing effect is caused by the theta on NMDA receptor, and this strengthen the various connections between the information bearing neurons as well as the hippoca mpus postsynaptic neurons. These neurons are known to contain cell they are believed to be of the hippocampus.The theta is also said to be an integral part of the price since it is selectively present in the exploratory movements. It enables the rate to be in a position that it can update itself with some information about the new environment. Therefore, the theta rhythm can be said to be a critical part of the hippocampus as it plays some of the most crucial roles.Comparing and contrasting the organisation of the hippocampus and the neocortexThe organisation of the cortex and the hippocampus can be connected as well as be compared from the following different points of view. From the learning rate point of view, the cortical system is said to learn slowly as compared to the hippocampal system that is known to be typically rapid in learning. The other perspective the neocortex and the hippocampus can be compared as well as be contrasted is the area on conjunctive bias.To extract ge neralities, the cortical system shows some bias especially in integrating on particular cases. The bias in the hippocampal system is that it is intrinsically sparse in the development of conjunctive representation of the environmental inputs especially on some particular cases. The two systems that are the cortical and the hippocampal however show some point where they meet.This is at a point where both use Hebbian learning, and are error-driven. The tasks demand are responded to by the error drive, which enable the achievement of the goals set by providing what is necessary. The task also shifts hippocampus performing pattern to performance pattern completion. The operation and the reinforcing of the representation are constantly activated in the two of the systems by Hebbian learning.Backpropagating action potential and its function in synaptic plasticityBackpropagating action potential refers to the situation whereby, a neuron action potential create at the end of an axon a volta ge spike, and back via the dendrites. This occurs much from the very same initial current that had been generated. Backpropagating can only happen when a cell in action are adequately activated to for the purpose of firing an action plan.Backpropagating action potential matters very much in synaptic plasticity especially in the t neocortex, substantia nigra, spinal cord as well as the hippocampus. These occur like that because thee synaptic plasticity majorly operates in the area like the hippocampus that controls the memory. It also occurs that a change in the voltage that increases the calcium concentration content. These changes are caused by the current caused by backpropagating that is an event that coincides with given synaptic plasticity models.Why mice might not be the best model of the human brainThe model of the mouse's brain may not be the best model of the human brain. The model of the mouse's brain has failed to show proteomic responses accurately in regard to human acu te inflammatory stress. The mice brain model happens to be a simple system model and therefore cannot be in a position to reproduce human diseases that are complex. Another factor that cud make the mice model not be the best model for the human brain is that mice are inbred ( Acker 2005).Therefore, their inflammatory response depends highly on genetic background. The genetic responses in humans are exceedingly consistent even if the patients are subjected to inflammatory stimuli that are different. The mouse showed that when subjected to equal divergent stimuli, the design pattern appeared to vary widely. Such variances make the mice brain model not to be the best of the human mind.Essay questionComparing and contrasting between the organization of the cerebellum with that of the basal ganglia, and the role they play in motor coordinationThe basal ganglia and the cerebellum are both involved in the voluntary motor control. The basal ganglia, as well as the cerebellum, are nuclei tha t are in large collections that on the basis of a minute to minute, they modify movements. Information from the motor cortex is sent to both and via the thalamus, the two structures send the information back to the cortex. A smooth, coordinated movement is allowed by the balance between the two systems. In the case of an imbalance in either of the two systems, a movement disorder will be reflected ( Kelleher, KresÃÅ'Å’imir, Peter 2010).The basal gangliaIt is a composition of cell bodies that form on the outer side of the central nervous system. It is a nuclei collection that is present deeply on the cerebral cortex white matter. It is composed of substantia nigra, globus pallidus, caudate, nucleus incumbents, and putamen among others. The putamen and the caudate are responsible for the receiving of various inputs from the cerebral cortex. Therefore, they become the basal ganglia doorway. Regional differences exist where we find that; nucleus incumbents and medial caudate get their input for limbic area and the frontal cortex. They are much more implicated to schizophrenia and thinking as opposed to the motion disorder and moving ( Smith,2002).Substantial nigra can be broken down into two parts, the Snpc and the SNpr. The SNpc will receive input from putamen and the caudate and right back sends the information. Similarly, the SNpr gets the information that will go to control the movement of the head and the eyes. This information, when sent, goes outside the basal ganglia. For regular movements to occur the SNpc produces dopamine a critical element, and this is what make SNpc to be very famous.There are many neurotransmitters that are different yet are used in by the basal ganglia. The effects of these neurotransmitters make the thalamus inhibitory. The basal ganglia functions are often described in brake hypothesis terms. It, therefore, occurs that, when one wants to sit still, he or she is required to ensure that the brake on nearly all the movements is put apart from the upright posture reflexes that maintain it. In order for changes to take place, postural reflexes will have to break, in order for voluntary movement brakes to be released.The cerebellumThe greatest of the functions of the cerebellum is its involvement in movement coordination. It is therefore coordinated what the thought were purposing to do and what is done by the limbs. In the case there are any problems; the cerebellum moves to collect the situation. Motor learning for instance bicycle riding, is partly the responsibility of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is known for working ipsilaterally. Like the basal ganglia, the cerebellum has a white matter and below it dark nuclei ( Mano, 1993).The organisation of the cerebellum can be shown by unfolding it. It has an outer layer known as the molecular layer which is nearly free of cells. Unlike the basal ganglia, it is composed of both the dendrites and the axons. Purkinje cells are the next layer below and are the circulatory central players in the cerebellum. Granule cell is right below this layer of cells that is very tiny. The operation of the cerebellum occurs in threes that are highways that lead out and in of the cerebellum.Three main outputs are also got from the three deep nuclei. The middle, inferior and superior peduncles are the three highways or the stalks. Spinocerebellar pathways mossy fibers, inferior olive from the climbing fibers, and the Pons more soft fiber makes up the three inputs. The three inputs are responsible for ensuring that information from the cerebral cortex is carried ( Schultz 1981).Dentate vestigial and interposed nuclei are three deep nuclei that we shall focus on. The balance is the primary concern of the vestigial nucleus and is equally responsible for transmitting information to reticular and vestibular nuclei. Voluntary movements are the primary co...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Road2College TakeAway for the Week of Oct. 5th

HomeCurated ArticlesThe Takeaway Wk of 10/5This page may contain affiliate links.Oct 14, 2015Here’s a summary of important articles  from the past week  that may give you more insight into the world of college life, admissions, financing, and parenting. Theres a New College Application in Town: What Parents Need to Know The R2C Takeaway:  The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success is a new group of 83 public and private colleges, formed as a result of their frustration with the Common Application. The main premise of this coalition, however vague, is that students as early as 9th grade, can have a virtual locker into which they can store writings, photos, videos, etc.  The idea is that the â€Å"locker† would facilitate more interaction between colleges and students at an earlier grade, in particular to benefit those students who do not get any or poor guidance on the college process. Many high school and college counselors are uneasy about this new application, and whether it will really benefit the students remains to be seen. 5 Reasons to Start College Planning in Middle School The  R2C  Takeaway: Starting to think about college while your child is still in middle school is not as crazy as it sounds. Familiarizing yourself with terminology and standardized tests, and thinking about how youll finance the entire process will be much simpler when you have some wiggle room rather than when your back is up against a wall later on. October Checklist for High School Juniors The  R2C  Takeaway:  Now that the school year has really gotten underway, high school juniors have a good idea about what might be expected of them from the various classes they are taking, and can keep that in mind when thinking about what needs to be done for college prep. Practicing time management skills, attending college fairs, focusing on getting good grades, and applying for scholarships are some of the things that should be on a juniors to-do list. New Type of College to Beware of: Covert for Profit The  R2C  Takeaway: For-profit colleges have been exposed in the news as being money-hungry institutions using deceitful practices to lure students in, while providing them with sub-par educations, and ultimately saddling them with high debt upon graduation. Recently, its become clear that a former for-profit college has converted to nonprofit status to avoid the growing number of regulations, while continuing to function like a for-profit institution. Let the buyer beware! How to Prevent Campus Sexual Assaults? Ask Students The R2C Takeaway: As colleges and universities wrestle with ways to deal with the subject of on-campus sexual assault, many of them fail to look at whats right in front of them as being an effective method: listening to and empowering the students to address these assault issues and develop the type of campus culture in which they think they can and will thrive socially, psychologically and academically. Getting feedback from students and keeping them involved can affect the change that is necessary to tackle the problem. Road2College Road2College is dedicated to providing families with trustworthy information about college admissions and paying for college. We recognize the two processes are intertwined and our goal is to educate families on all aspects of admissions and funding so they can make smarter college financial decisions. View all posts CATEGORIES Curated Articles TAGS Coalition for Access Affordability and SuccessCommon AppCommon ApplicationNEWER POSTIs This The Government Trifecta For College Admissions and Financial Aid?OLDER POSTPaying For College: What’s a Divorced Parent to Do?